Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Selecting the wall color.

I am painting the entire house the same color. Every room will have gray walls and ceilings and ALL trim/wood will be white. So, finding the right color is pretty critical. I stared and stared at paint chips, clipped samples from magazines, and searched pinterest for months before settling on 5 sample colors. I picked up 5 sample sizes and decided to paint a swatch in every room of the house to make sure I liked the color in all light.

Ben helped me and we painted 5 small squares in every room. Then we brought over gaga and brad and made them vote in every single room. I then tallied the total and #2 sample won with almost double the votes over the others.

It's called Revere Pewter by Benjamin Moore and I think it's the truest gray of any of them. I think I'm gonna totally love it.

1 comment:

  1. Our neighbors painted their dining room that exact color and it is beautiful!
