Monday, October 1, 2012

While they wait.

We visit the house every day to check in on the guys, see the progress, and answer questions or solve HUGE dilemmas. (they aren't ever HUGE, they just always seem to be in the moment, ya know?) Anyway, I usually drag the kids in and they always drive me completely nuts by getting into stuff, touching wet paint, falling into A/C holes, acting rude, pushing me, pulling Genevieve's legs, or most often just incessantly asking me when we are gonna leave. Sometimes I immediately send them next door to my parents. Sometimes I force them to stay outside where they dig in the dirt or play football. Or sometimes I leave them in the car with an ipad. Genevieve almost always goes in with me, but sometimes I even leave her if I'm gonna be fast. Her brothers LOVE getting to entertain her.

I'm always ready for a surprise when I return. One time there was a bobby pin in my CD player. One time Genevieve had turned herself completely sideways in her car seat from crying so hard. And one time Ben was laying in the back with a diaper on as a hat. Hilarious.

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